Our Partners: Azizi Life

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Azizi Life is a Rwandan social enterprise focused on maximizing economic opportunity for rural artisans through the development and promotion of their craft. Azizi Life partners with over 20 independent groups in Rwanda – supporting a total of 247 artisans. They offer them fair prices, as well as design coaching, to women and men who have chosen to go beyond subsistence farming and use their creative skills to build a better life for their families. Rising from the horrors of genocide, artisans from all backgrounds have joined together through their art to create a better future. With their sustainable and fair income, parents are caring for the health, nutrition, and education of their children, families are building better homes, and women are rising out of crippling dependency and raising their voices in their communities. Read more


Our Partners: Sabahar



We are so honored to be working with Sabahar, our original partner collective and makers of our first original Malena line of scarves. Sabahar is a female-run fair trade organization that provides sustainable income to 56 people on site, and more than 120 people in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Their employees earn about 250% more than the industry average for the work they do. They have permanent contracts and receive regular salaries every month. The work week is 37.5 hours (vs. the average, legal 48 hour work week in Ethiopia). Employees receive pensions, paid vacation, maternity leave and medical coverage. Staff members who are interested in going to school get time off to do so. All employees attend regular and comprehensive training and capacity building. Fifty percent of the staff is women and about 75% of the management positions are held by women. Read more